Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sharing a Sunrise

A sleepless night often leads me to witness the beauty of a Saskatchewan sunrise. I am a firm believer that they should be shared with someone special. Sharing this sort of natural beauty with those you love or care about brings you closer together. I wasn't able to share it with the person of my choice today but through the magic of photography and the internet there was no need for him to miss it.

So remember to use your photographs to share special moments and places that you can't share at the time. There will be someone special who will appreciate the moment being captured and shared with them.

1 comment:

Julie Cortens said...

Don't we have fabulous sun rises? And sun sets too! I have way more success in talking my sweetheart into watching a sunset than I do a sunrise LOL - sunrises are usually a solitary thing unless Mark is home - but then he is a fellow photographer. Mark will drag himself out of bed to get a sunrise pic with me - bless him - what other 24 yr old would do that after a late night out. :)