Sunday, August 15, 2010

Four Generations and Hits on Every Chart including......

The medical charts said Danny Hutton as he introduced the members of Three Dog night.Coming into the Grandstand area before the concert I was blown away to see that my Best Buy was sponsring acts at the Ex this year. Noting that there were no crowds yet down at the stage I skipped the seating to get a spot front and center.

I thought maybe this was gonna be the main thing I saw for most of the concert, not that they were hard to look at but event security was not what I was there to see. They soon assured me that they would not be in everyone of my photos lololol

Three Dog Night got their name from Danny Huttons girlfriend at the time. She had been reading about an Australian Aboriginals and the practice of sleeping with a Dingo on a cold night and adding additional Dingo's as the nights got colder. Thus was born Three Dog Night. 1968 saw Danny Hutton and Cory Wells bring together this group of talented individuals that have shared their talents with us for 41 years.

Michael Allsup lead guitarist taking front and center with a solo, Paul Kingery in the background on bass.

Everyone getting into the act with guitars except the drummer and keyboardist.

Cory Wells and Michael having fun with the music.

Cory Wells still has an amazing voice after four decades with Three Dog Night.

Danny Hutton taking a back seat to Cory and playing a little tambourine in the background.

Danny Hutton letting it all go in one of there lesser known songs that Jim Croche released, and made popular.

Then guitarist (Michael Allsup) had a grin on his face from start to finish and interacted with the crowd non-stop....

Guitarist Michael Allsup and Bass Player Paul Kingery hamming up the final bars of the last song.
They had fun with the last strains of music for the night.

That's all folks.............or is it. The standing ovation for them was deaf and in a couple of minutes they returned with.....

Joy to the world, all the boys and girls, joy to the fishes in the deep blue see, joy to you and me. The crowd just belted this song out with Three Dog Night and it really brought memories back as this was another of the ones we sang in Choir .

That's all folks........ for real this time.

Just a few shots of the rides lit up for the night.

And now..........we are done for another year I think really needs to be Stampede time.

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